Pop along for this one hour workshop to make folded origami loveliness! We will be making a crane, flowers and a golden snitch and this will be suitable for children. If any of you wish to stay for longer and tackle something more in depth you are welcome to say another hour for an additional cost of £5.00
All materials, equipment and refreshments will be provided.
Pop in and join in this one hour workshop and learn how to make some origami basics like a crane, flowers and a golden snitch!
This workshop will be suitable for both beginners and children. You are welcome to stay an extra hour for another £5.00 and tackle a more in depth project if you wish.
Pop in and join in this one hour workshop and learn how to make some origami basics like a crane, flowers and a golden snitch!
This workshop will be suitable for both beginners and children. You are welcome to stay an extra hour for another £5.00 and tackle a more in depth project if you wish.